Laney2005 wrote:
I confess that I screamed at all my classmates today. Three times. And I'm in grad school.
I confess that I accidentally lied two out of the three times I yelled at my classmates today, since the first two times I said I would never say another word in class. The third time I admitted to not posessing the ability to be quiet for more than 90 seconds. That was not a lie.
I confess that I felt really stupid today when no one else wore pajamas on pajama day.
I confess that they were not my real pajamas. My real pajamas do not contain pants.
I confess that I confessed this to my professor.
I confess that I hid in a room that smelled like paint thinner and had an all-out meltdown today.
I confess that I purposely asked someone a question I already knew the answer to in order to try to make that person feel better.
I confess that I am very proud of myself for that.
I confess that I am terrified.
I confess that that is exactly what aspies are famous for doing best,
and that you should feel no shame for doing that and that
I wish I had done that when I was receiving the supposed "higher education"
I confess I never went higher
I confess I don't know what "grad school" means
Be kinder than necessary for everyone is fighting some kind of battle