I'm not the only one who thinks that 'The Goldfinch' by Donna Tartt could be adapted into a movie.
Freeman Patterson.
"~"It's said that those who love to be feared, feared to be loved".
..I'll admit how a part of me would prefer being feared..or being seen as an 'intellectual eccentric"...or 'creepy'..overly concerned and 'haughty' with ethnicity and identity..b/c of a shame I have to interact with others..whether on the level of friendship or 'romantic'..I shame myself..
...bilingualism and an 'auditory sensitivity' to how things are said remaining in memory...me having issues 'standing up' to scowly faced,ugly,mean-spirited, coercive persons..'nightmarish-ly' conjured up as figures of authority in my mind (a recent doctor, a recent 'diner like' manager)..persons I feel uncomfortable around..
..I can't really see myself 'standing up to them' without (a) looking like a fool, (b) having my personal integrity unreversibly diminished,(c) 'condemnation' in the form of 'negative ripple effects' which I will inarguably 'deserve' perhaps b/c of some d--- metaphysics.
Classism. Fear..talbez seria uno que pensaria en rechazando in nocion de identidad personal pero no significa que estoy comodo con pensando que no soy as in unequal que personas 'crueles' que a proposito aperce escojen indifferencia a menos que se trata acerca de su sexualidad y/o cambios finales.
Who would ..'want to'..hang out with me?..." --typed on 10-4-2017.
The best expressions of temperament and reciprocation do not occur as often as I would like them to-- at work and beyond.
Last edited by sidetrack on 06 Aug 2018, 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.