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How to make goat milk alcohol-free eggnog...hmm...
Both likely true to some extent. Hmm...
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The Ligotti audiobook isn't as inflammatory as I thought it would far; the stuff he brings up I've overcome in my own thoughts in major ways but I'm going to admit that had I listened to this two decades ago I would have put myself at further risk/vulnerability ..maybe I'm 'getting off' listening to something even more or at least as irresponsible, indulgently irresponsible as the pornography viewing of the past few days?.
Ultimately we can only see things 'through our own lease' which is why it shouldn't be any surprise if I am capable of saying that Ligotti's non-fiction book comes off as an overelaborated inferiority complex even after knowing from a wikipedia article how he has mental health issues of his own. Maybe my mind might change once I actually get to a mention about inferiority complexes.
Here I am worrying that I'm not 'wasting bytes' by making another entry whilst I can still edit the entry made myself earlier.
Even though I am not much for eating sweet things..eating blue coloured popsicles or even blackberries for that matter interests me b/c of how I remember the dark coloration onto my lips making me look bada--.
HQ471.J47 2007
819.09 ATWOOD
~pg.125 of 'Cat's eye' by Margaret Atwood.
I might draw the (host(?)) of the YouTube channel 'MessianicManic' sometime.
Last edited by sidetrack on 15 Nov 2018, 4:07 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Selate Lilac.
De ten shemletish ago á mototh gevwas, sełiroi holy itzel segen serellovothevit tes hoł tes en sefrate vafas sefrailrie el, zie lamala á seleannis patahit. Zie seleannis patah lat yomyfletit ren shwcy dolemoonn.
Te shwaa geonniazie, o te gefioazie, te fiazie iene meflet tzoolcievit. Tsool amit, shovel le xen veromi.
Moth ell xen pie wain sheman novis periewincelcievit; mieth, lateinierie vekissie shohit ell ipana onan phevicie.
Viavit? Via zie heidecie lanerá. Heide selate lilacrie de tenin sheman naefal segieel on, heiden, mototh shwmie. Od...zie lacaonatá? Ta shwssava. De te yaleannisierie lat, zie xana nayd. Te a setyle sePelossniecarie le annel goa, tes seonan vay rigot. Te setreda seoveie, seliverworet secrelhin frailrievit shelah. Te anni segolola cetset, yarell xalala nooretz, el te a sypit twnełiss fas shenit ipana.
Ytre le shwavaát le tes mothiexen dalemoonn. Te le tes ze shwshava, o te le tes nel mothiexen shava veliray. cah, de te leannis am pahat seflohy parafinie kate daianit, te vephavly am le veie twn gelott.
Xen viein le te mathannein veannin hoie, de tse malainit, te halala shwatoiein ogolainit elinemes tes te lairynniatzinellcie shwaa.
Te latseveshell lashacyvit, mefletoth iencie, t’shwava. Ell xen zodikat ladamwie vrat am ovres ladamwie vexalala selal le te shcely am cellia veaoge floshe en ipana. Tes dilepoit lilie le vemoth veleal veonievoiteh pieesie amle, sevriein ago kate selynnrie el. Plossnieca, seonie cienne patehit, lahiadell amcie. Zie lehiadell, cah la sepavaezierie fio vesessil ta laget. Te tsevesh, aoge, tseh te haalildel. te made. te cwnell.
Te canell o chel ryłaéll. T’shwshavell mie haalal, te thenniazie kateon á seryosho methifyn ta yoe tzeroonimes. Te thenniazie tse nera heiden amcie annin hoie moth, loy cien, annin cien, fiołacin cien.
Zie a tyle vatat SePlossniecarie lahecanell peol kissie en. Seamadataierievin cinell zie gevilol tseroon. Tse shwthenniatin. Inea elefonn te wasinnaéll. Te watzell sesessil vey seanie tseroon mieé tse capatasinell. De tse gemala gelotitin, t’shwava
hol el tes. Shwmie, shwmie. Shecy nel, shmona nel, rigot nel.
Sezodikat damwieell vecienne, veloot veflievit, shwmie alylcie. Seme zie shamovh? Seme zie sepeol le iłoonierie fiell shamovh? Sewel pieesicie levashell, le tse washell ovres. Setaisitalatzrie tse laarenell lacierenellit. Te lacinell layiredell. Seme te layired? Te miee te layired ma ell xen veetzen am oth shwava. Tse filie en lataiegolavell, xalala le te ta vey awanatz nel don.
Zie xalala ogein ell xen de te le te seetzin damel pyiazieell. Zie seiłoonzierie shomen tylish caippell, a annin am vey annell veeath.
“El mie zoon seetzin en dama? Tes haixen iefa phaei.”
“El mie te damavin? El davar. El sefloi werdish. El phevin Novevreish sesieaeinit. Tse yoe ma vwieanatz haityedatzit pyi.”
“Tes eazen. O yoe pyi, molie, crie ze le hol tain hadama yaetzin zoocie na don?”
“Ta shwava. Zy te iexenatz te dhaiexenciemes. Gan zy te iexenatz es le te a ytre iexen.”
“Tes xonn. Me via twn te haalalatz avelell invit? Me te a etzin haiexen ieo ytre, seme te yotz hadamel don?”
“Veh, shav le zoon avaievel.”
“Goa, Mor. Te malana annizoovit vesyflet cedi te aogein twncie. Seme zoon madeavin? Woonne am gan malana. Zie a phaivon iexen xalala.”
“O me te yaétzin hadamel shwavel?”
“Tavitoie zoon avel ná in. La chell twn zoon avel ná in, avel, Mor?”
“Te shwliray, te me te iexenatsel es le te iexenoon don shwava, me tes cahit….”
“Me tes cah, te malanavit, zoon shwshwnavinaná.
Ma geshavell don le avedisin frailrie xalala ienxell in don!
Zie wain am tarsiat peol en, avoonnell, iłoonzierie tylish caippellit, laanniat veamoh veofrenishit, xalala ofrenish le te davar le te gefrail ien tattamoth gioa, ele le sehawthorme vapateh lapyiatell de te yova am en lell sepavonn hakał.
Te lehed. Lehed. Lehed nel, lehadien. Te vephaive hadien le te dhaedien veheidenin. Te sesieel senavonin anna, te ma xen vete ma ren vete phayhat na don.
Tse leparenin, lewassin seanie tsecet sePlossnieca le hed tseroon. Selilien vetes gan lehed. Davar lehed. La te xepan in. Treda fresein paganirievit sefrail lemala.
Tse rawlyria a rwssa lawassit veselal, cedi sedafodill seeleme laget shwxaipana. Vemoth tse selynn sefrail ovres hol seleal dalemoell.
Te el selate em sevrat am rami, she le tes late etsrie ze. Rami le av am avatelis frail praoonrie ze. tevie. Te canaaza. Te canaaza tain secottin sePraoonrie in. Zierievit.
Flovit te flates? Te cerica fia ta vey amohie. Tes dolemoon le xen ytre le, de ta thennialoovinin, te meflet mel annavin, meflet le cairecitavin. Te awasin annatsaeninit shwmodel. O ma te careci?
Te liry zietoie. Te geleliry tattria on. Zie le zie maiela woonnin seNeten en plylát. te cre hayhlari shecavaná.
Zie zaén in. Zie kissie, praoothcie vewain, łoonanierie sho men kissievit. Tes dole le tes eit yoshesseh tatta. Zie á meflet ladaleát, o te shwtoa. Te Shwyxenazie. Zie shwafieát. Davar. Zie la meat shecyin dama ta en, tes hol. Lelan, te cefazie. Te carecizie. Te seamohotse tsel rawatta veanninrie thenni, tes cylydhát. Tes xalala cylydhát le te model ha...O!! ! Weil! Te xalala pengie, ma zie gelol yoe??
Tse avoolin de te esmell, dyn am lassama. Za leannell, leannell vechell yoe, cah vechell sema yozie, Filie ele yoe oima le dhatataisat.
De tse sezodia aovrainell - sevarhieit vey lellin, te vamos hseveshell annelellit. Cricetaeiein yoe pamssell. Te vefirin am celliatsael annipalit. Tsel anneát - sypit ogolavit - de tsel sipaîaé, tes gan saiypiátit, en tavit sehol shorin sePlossnieca el.
Te dhalasaíniell seeve hag’hen ewacie va seliditt en yavarhie laítit. Shwava flonn via davar xalala loot in. Dikin shemletrie go paiepaimmsie vey de te hol le xen haalal fasell.
Davar? Nel, te via shwannaza, cah vie am shwg’hon ell in. Te va am hamaiaat lirynniloi, ladalát hacatselazie ta ossissehell le mel alylaná.
Hol kolin let goa ta gevil syryn faíat. Te hol kolin careci, carecites cie me tes ati mel legevwasoon shorin shori xad veleal in. Te le xen mel le hol creixinavirie gevwas warel, le davar zonn cressetit in madel yoele le te modelin. Te carecites lewasinnavit, iłe lewasinna fanelsin on cie.
Te cin verell ago shori sePlossnieca tzeroon. Sedikin shemletrie arssat leovathol, sedikin shemletrie arssat seshmonin seetelrie segaiein on. Holsa levash sevrie ovath. Sara Praoon ladama yatattattin. Arno vooffie in yeixin lehyran. Šu vooffie in. Xalala vooffie le tes caireciât. Seplosnieca ligot loot. Syflet la yeix vooffie watz. Sepafat çpodet ipana, tseh f’ri, tseh flid ipana chel venwrin mieé seshwramiatin lehed.
Šu yoArno dal hasaie. Te faritt am goa con. Te goates don mieé tes caippelát, cylydhát sefloi sesessil cylydhicie. Fia le meflet model. O mie? Flonn te xalala cylydh?
Anninzierie na, ogein, povie xadysit tarin vasieél latriyncie.
“Saie, Arno. Saie sié iefa, rae yrettit tatoie.”
Te wasell secreix sekes sefrailrie tsecet. Te careicell haogaza - tes paza hasaie veiefai. Te nelinell seetz emly gevil hasaie ell ipana - zonn ves le te modell. veien chell le za sapaie, te taeiza lasaie am en.
Šu avoolell vooffie en. Te lacaipellell. Te lecaipelell, leanell, levooa, de godarie canell nafell - wainett twn cie foritt am tzeroon, sema xalala nooretz.
De tse washellin ta velid, Sara Praoon cahiát, de zie lan vegevil. Zie Rwsh am lyrell, dell:
Mor, zoon lasaieéll xalala iefa. Te cnarie phaei yoon.
De tse ipelin yazen, Va xaissaát isorossie vechellin hoie. Za te hyd ashell.
הייתי צוללת עכשיו למים
הכי, הכי עמוקים
לא לשמוע כלום
לא לדעת כלום
וזה הכל אהובי, זה הכל.
I dread that by understanding friendship, understanding theories of love will be easier.
I dread that only by understanding friendship, understanding theories of love will be easier. swearing:..did I mention that as a 'dis-qualifier' as to what makes ppl less appealing to hang out with in that 'Confessional' posting I made once?.
Mada mada.
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Rocking the hakama pants outside of aikido. ... kama-pants
the reminds me of somewhat of a baggy beanie beret ( ... 84449.html) and makes me think how across different cultures it's interesting how many takes there are on headgear which has a 'layered bandana' vibe.
The 'Pancho or blanket like capes' generating force fields worn by Wakandans in 'The black panther' and 'Avengers 3' is what I'm reminded of looking at
I wonder (esp. after modifying any patterns on the clothes to something uncomplicated like the color shifts in Mark Rothko paintings) if it would inappropriate cultural appropriation to wear such designed clothes together ?. ... tedTourist
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