Temeraire wrote:
sidetrack wrote:
The time my dad watched a video with a (Nicaraguan(?)) lady who became popular as a comedian in Canada being interviewed and bringing up her lesbianism and my dad saying ~'that's disappointing'.
My time at the 'Youth wellness center' gave me a closeness/fondness for Hamilton's LGBTQ+ community; I think I stop with making attempts as if I am obligated to consistently bring that up to compensate for something and/or 'stand out'.
The sort of thing which makes me feel like spending indeterminate amounts of time clicking on phrases which I would identify with
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GiftedlyBad .
Just goes to show how you are nothing like your parent's attitude towards others.
You are the creator of your own world.
I shake my head at some of the stuff I hear my family say - so sad.
Thank you and it reminds me of
https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/ ... rUnlikeSonThe cake I had yesterday--seemed to be some kind of chocolate mousse with a consistent texture and flavourful hard coating to it.
I am looking forward to the 'year end music mash-ups' I could expect this year and next year. I should really get around to looking at 'year end music mash-ups' for Latin pop as well. Given how the decade is winding down there are going to be some interesting retrospective in the next ~14 months.
It's been ~24 hrs (?) since my quasi-pornography binging yesterday...goodness knows how on 'high alert' I have been on today expecting something bizarrely sexual to happen while out in public but it's probably the cognitive distortions speaking...honestly am I the only one who wishes to talk about what I see and what 'turns me on' with someone who I can trust to take me seriously and not be vulgar about it?.