MONKEY wrote:
I made this video, and uploaded it late last night. It's an information type thing about apes used in the entertainment industry, it gets a bit serious and sad in the middle, but ends on a happier note.
that was a sad thing to see. at first i thought "oh this is going to be just a collection of apes in commercials" but i continued to watch, and i realized the clip is about how those apes are treated by humans who want to make money and use the apes to that end, and who have no love or consideration for the innocent apes they exploit.
i very much was disgusted by the "behind the scenes" treatment those innocent apes were subjected to by humans who will tread on beauty to fill their wallets.
after the middle of the video where i saw apes being happy and free, i thought" they can only be free in a fenced area that is "granted" by humans, and it is a shame that humans think they own the whole world and if one of those happy apes in a humanly allocated "sanctuary" escapes and enters the wider world, they would be shot and killed for "trespassing " in the human owned world where they do not "belong"."
it is a travesty of nature that humans who possess the greatest logical intelligence can take possession of the entire planet and dictate the lives of those who are not born to scam and bargain and hustle.
those apes are so sweet and innocent, and i know they have intelligence too, but intelligence seems almost evil to me.
intelligence makes people both think they are better, and be able to cause misery to the lives of innocent animals in the belief that god loves them better than animals.
humans have stolen the world and they think they deserve it because they could think of how to steal it, but humans are not innocent. they are selfish and destructive.
humans are the only species of animal who suffer from greed.
whatever i am starting to ramble now.