Raleigh wrote:
...says Raleigh, who's on about a dozen different drugs.
Don't buy into the whole drugs is evil thing that they are trying so hard to portrayal in the media because some very very stupid people in Ohio made a decision before using a substance that they were going to shoot heroin and drive down the road with their kids in the back. The drugs didn't get behind the wheel of that car, the people did. I can't believe nobody has common sense on drugs and their effects. I swear they need to lock me in a room and pump me various drugs and I can tell the world what you can and can't function on. Peoples opinions and society's acceptance on drugs doesn't change what drugs do. Some drugs impair you, some don't. I really wish people didn't throw all drugs in the same category, heroin and hydrocodone are two very different things even if they are in the same family of drugs.
If you can think enough to write clearly which I can't do even do sober, then you are fine and not in any way impaired by drugs... mentally... You motors skills might be in a different place... I wouldn't drive but that just me. I wouldn't drive on much of anything as of now because that kind of breaks my common sense approach to drugs but driving on weed is fun and seems pretty harmless if you know what your dealing with. Its no worse then driving tired which I am more against then driving on some drugs.
Still back to these people in Ohio, they are dumb, really dumb, for real. If you going to drive then notice what most doctors say about legal drugs, drive only if you are cool with the effects and dosages. Not only did they ignore that but they picked the worse drug in terms of effects and this is also considering that alcohol is drug so they should have known better just by that logic alone. I hate stupid people, if you have to ask yourself if you can drive then you can't freaking drive.
Honestly it amazes me someone can be that stupid, I am thinking this whole story is propaganda to fuel the drug war. We can't have people treating their pain and ailments can we? We must make everyone suffer because some people are really stupid.
Also if no one knows what I am talking about, its news, I can post a link. Its propaganda hidden as news rather.
Well, i won't be driving ever again, i don't think.
i need a doctor's clearance.
the doctors won't give me clearance because of the risk of seizures or black-outs.