Jakki wrote:
blooiejagwa wrote:
Ex Brother in law eats weetabix 2 times a day with milk. It is his breakfast and lunch he will have nothing else
If anyone ever forgets to leave it out on a plate for him to get in the morning,
he without telling them will be starving till dinner when whole family eats together (since the elderly parents wake up late)
Unable to get it out himself
This may sound funny but i find that darling . Very nice that he wishes to eat with family .. maybe silly to starve.. but still very darling.
Aw thank you for specifically saying it, as he is darling. He can see auras of people since childhood, and he always remembers what colour someone is even if he met them once. Sometimes after major events or surgery people's colours change, though, as my XH used to be Jade now he's blue.
Take defeat as an urge to greater effort.
-Napoleon Hill