blooiejagwa wrote:
XH am using him like a guide/boss fr things again. I shouldnt nor should he have to deal with me but I am slipping into it. He made things so much easier (Apart from his evil moods/phases) since he wd talk me through things as needed.
The oldlawyer did too. My sister triesbut i feel bad bcuz i know she stresses out about it n takesit too emotionally .. She feels responsible n does too much n i dont want to do that to her.
Whereas XH doesnt take it like that. I miss being able to rely on someone's guidance n them not minding.
OMG , i miss my late husband..soo much . He was the helpmate of my life .
Weirdly enough , so was i to him. His being killed almost killed me too.
I try to ask people , i might think that might know something , but i dont press them. And important that they dont know other people , am dealing with, cause . I want unbiased opinion .Then i apply my own expeience , to decide if what they say is helpful . Thought making older woman as a friend but all she wanted was to control and take money from , me , then set , up things so she could own my home . If i unexpectedly died .
But now there is noone. Using information now that , i can remember . And reading , about things to make decisions on. Have tried to help other people NTs . With some stuff. And even some of my own money and time. But i try hard , now not to do that anymore. So many think you are dumb if you believe them . Then try to trick you into believing lots of untrue things . Using you up.
For your kindness . Just be careful please.
Diagnosed hfa
Loves velcro,
where ever you go ,there you are