kraftiekortie wrote:
If there were "emos" in the 1970s, I didn't hear about them. There were "exis" (i.e., existentialists) in the 50's who sort of dressed like "emos" or "Goths" in some respect.
The correct answer is #3. There were people called "punks" in the 1970s. Both in the old meaning (a cowardly as*hole) and in the more recent one (an admirer of punk rock).
Oh snap!
I made a mistake. I didn't catch the negatives in your statements. Of course it would be: 3 as false, 1 as true. 2 as true (Alice Cooper, anyone?) Those double negatives get me every time. Or wait... that also makes 2 false. I'm so confused by negatives or double negatives especially in a true / false situation.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.