What's the last weirdest dream you had?

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what's the last weirdest dream you had, by type?
*I dream weird Technicolor dreams most of the time! :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I dream mostly vivid but totally "normal" dreams generally. :salut: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I tend to dream "average" blah dreams. :| 4%  4%  [ 26 ]
*I generally dream in vivid colors and sounds :jester: 14%  14%  [ 88 ]
*I tend to dream in average/subdued colors and subdued/muted sounds :| 5%  5%  [ 32 ]
*I dream only in shades of gray. :| 0%  0%  [ 3 ]
*I never seem to remember my dreams. :| 9%  9%  [ 59 ]
*I have mostly good dreams :) 9%  9%  [ 56 ]
*I have mostly nightmares or night fillies :help: 11%  11%  [ 71 ]
*I LUCIDLY DREAM! :star: :colors: 14%  14%  [ 93 ]
*I wanna nice yummy ice cream! :chef: 9%  9%  [ 57 ]
Total votes : 644


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05 Feb 2015, 8:15 pm

I dreamt I was in the front room of my parents' old house, and I was mouthing off over breaking laws, and there was a bully cop there who wanted to arrest me, only the crowd I was with intimidated him into leaving, saying to him there is no law against discussing breaking the law and that he was just being a trollish bully. then I railed against the bully cop saying words to the effect of "how dare he be so evil?" then the dream sequed into me getting in the car and driving down a steep hill not far from where I now live, only the car disappeared and the road turned into a giant slide, and I was down on the ground sliding on my butt just like kids do on the playground slide, only there was some obstructionist jerk in front of me that was trying to get me to stop, ended up with my face in his butt the whole way down until he finally got the message and jumped over to another slide to my right, and at the point where the intersection T'd off both him and me turned right only this time I was in front of him and HE was the one trying to pass me, only he couldn't, and by this time the road turned into an airplane cabin, a large one like in a 747 jumbo, and when we finally got to our seating section he started loudly berating me in front of the other passengers. I told him he better watch his back, and we got into a shouting match, then I awoke in a sweat. sheesh. what an ugly dream. :eew:


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07 Feb 2015, 1:13 am

i dreamt i was a teen again, and that i was in some city that was a melange of seattle and victoria BC and olympia- i parked and then had to walk through a little forest then onto city streets where i had to watch out for muggers past the alleys- then i walked into a beige stone building setting off by itself from the other city buildings on its own block- inside i walked through the warren of hallways leading to faculty rooms, and in one office i found atop a low table some kind of automated 16mm film projector and rewinder doing its thing, the office was devoid of people. then i went into the lavatories across the hall, and found myself taking a leak in what turned out to be a sink and not a urinal, some teenaged kids walked in and saw what i was doing and razzed me gently about it. i tried to wash up my mess as best i could, then i walked out and into a classroom where some teacher who was like a tall version of a social studies teacher crossed with actress sylvia kristol, was writing on a blackboard and explaining something to the class of which i was just watching while standing at the rear, then all of a sudden her 70s-era tan pants-suit dissolved, leaving her stark naked- i noted the teacher had a very firm and compact derrière, just muscle, taut skin and bone- then after about a minute of dream time her clothing mysteriously materialized again- for some reason none of the other kids acted like they noticed anything different. at that moment, some stranger entered the classroom then walked out the backdoor, at which point the teacher poked her head out the back door to see where the kid went, then called the principal's office on the phone to report the kid. then i awoke. :scratch:


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10 Feb 2015, 3:29 am

i dreamt i was in my late mother's house, in the kitchen, and i was trying to separate fish guts from fish meat, and for some reason as i was doing that my fingers started to sharply tingle as though receiving an electric shock, so i dropped the fish back down onto the plate, and at that point the plate turned into my bed as it is now, and i put a nasty greasy fish stain on my bed so i disgustedly brushed it off, then as i was walking to my mother's kitchen in the first part of the dream, before i could see the incongruity of that, i awoke. :scratch:


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12 Feb 2015, 3:04 pm

the only thing i can remember is i was in some city i haven't been before, in the suburbs, and my truck was parked next to an old white convertible with the top down, and my truck must've been electric because i had it plugged in to my neighbor's external outlet, luckily he seemed to be civil with me. i looked inside my neighbor's convertible and noticed the dashboard and leather seats were streaked with dried blood, and he noticed me noticing it so he told me he just got back from hunting. his kids were all around him and didn't seem too out of the ordinary, and i did not question him further. then i awoke. :scratch:


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13 Feb 2015, 1:45 am

auntblabby wrote:
....and i put a nasty greasy fish stain on my bed so i disgustedly brushed it off, then as i was walking to my mother's kitchen in the first part of the dream, before i could see the incongruity of that, i awoke. :scratch:


i've always found most sea life unsettling. fish are no exception, their cloudy eyes..*shudder* are probably the most repulsive of any animal, how threy flop about and expand on the floors of a fishing boat, their...i don't now what it is, but come sout of their mouth when caught, those same eyes popping out when out of water, makes me lose my appetite. :cry:

and the texture!

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13 Feb 2015, 1:50 am

Kiprobalhato wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
....and i put a nasty greasy fish stain on my bed so i disgustedly brushed it off, then as i was walking to my mother's kitchen in the first part of the dream, before i could see the incongruity of that, i awoke. :scratch:

i've always found most sea life unsettling. fish are no exception, their cloudy eyes..*shudder* are probably the most repulsive of any animal, how threy flop about and expand on the floors of a fishing boat, their...i don't now what it is, but come sout of their mouth when caught, those same eyes popping out when out of water, makes me lose my appetite. :cry: and the texture!

I feel the same way about fresh sliced tomatoes - among the gore of the sectioned chambers, the quivering pale seed-laden jelly acts like it's a living thing, and makes me wanna look elsewhere. :eew:


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13 Feb 2015, 1:53 am

that too, blabby, that too! :eew:

i do like tomatoes, but diced or hidden in a sandwich or something, so i won't have to look at that or feel the mushy texture directly.

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13 Feb 2015, 1:58 am

mine gotta be pureed :chef:


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13 Feb 2015, 11:35 pm

I dreamt I was with a young man and a young woman, he dressed in dungarees and a white t-shirt and she dressed similarly - and we were all in heaven, and we were flying around and seeing the sights including the place where the "bureaucracy of heaven" was toiling. it looked like any informal office environment but for the fact that the view out the windows was tremendous [that of heaven] and that all the desks had these sensers emitting a fragrant white cloud of an incense-like substance. me and the other two were looking through a large folded sheet of some kind of heavenly paper that was a heavenly emulation of parchment, and the inscriptions would change when we had read though each "printing." on the last inscription was the office number of the head honcho [NOT God but a senior angel] of that particular region of heaven. his name was Michael Ginocci, strangely enough. then I awoke. :scratch:


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16 Feb 2015, 1:35 am

I dreamt I was inside of a large mansion that had a hospital in it, namely the hospital I used to work in. it had the old labor and delivery suite inside on several floors. I was busily at work on 2 of the floors rushing from delivery to delivery, setting up and breaking down. I tried cleaning off the used newborn resuscitation equipment but found it would not clean. then I found I sorta got stuck in between floors in a stair case that seemed to have no exits until at last I found it, then I went into the locker room to try to change out of my sweat-soaked scrubs but found no more scrubs to wear. then the dream segued into another part of the mansion where I found my old high school band practicing in a large audition room next to a banquet hall with a table piled with dishes of food. no sooner than I sat down to eat was there a movement to switch places with another high school band that was upstairs, don't know why they wanted the downstairs slot we had but we each agreed and I was busy schlepping chairs and food upstairs and moving the other school's stuff down stairs. then I clomped upstairs one last time and sat down to eat my meal of rice pilaf with little bits of beef in it, when I noticed everybody else was standing around watching two teacher's aides arguing over how the 7 brown walnut dish cabinets we also took upstairs with us, didn't have any light bulbs in them and that we couldn't eat until we got the light bulbs lit inside of those dish cabinets. then I awoke. :scratch:


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18 Feb 2015, 12:12 am

i dreamt i was at a lake intending to swim, when a bunch of other people showed up and turned it into some kind of contest with a starting gun, only they did not do a "ready, set, GO!" thing but instead counted to 8 before taking off, only predictably enough somebody jumped the gun and they turned back except for me, i kept swimming until i got tired and then i washed up on the opposite shore where i rested for a bit in the water. then i trudged in swimsuit and socks for some reason, black socks. i reached a forest and hiked through it over convenient trails through the brush. finally i saw a roadway that looked familiar and i walked on that when some other fella dressed all in black with long overcoat, very slender, blond, walked along side me somewhat menacingly. then i suddenly arrived at some place with 3 guys who were all vietnam war vets with PTSD, they were sitting on folding chairs swapping war stories, and each was not wearing pants, just their underwear. each had a bowie knife with which they laboriously sliced a donut-sized chunk of flesh all around their thigh about 3" above their knees, and curiously there was no blood, just the sight of sliced skin, muscle and bare bone that was a bit greenish. one of the three was missing their left foot, and he chopped off his leg with his knife just below the knee, whittled down the joint, then reattached it somehow. then i dreamt i was riding atop the handlebars of a motorcycle at great speed, somehow barely avoiding crashing, as i swerved on curvy but smooth roads next to JBLM in tacoma, WA- cops were watching me but did not stop me for some reason. then i awoke.


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18 Feb 2015, 1:31 am

I dreamed I was working at a job I used to have & my supervisor was being weird which wasn't that unusual for him & things were rearranged all weird & I was getting weird orders.

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18 Feb 2015, 1:32 am

any examples of how the weird went? am very curious :)


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18 Feb 2015, 1:34 am

auntblabby wrote:
any examples of how the weird went? am very curious :)
I don't remember enough of it to explain which is probably a good thing

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
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18 Feb 2015, 1:35 am

hope it wasn't grisly like my dream was.


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18 Feb 2015, 1:40 am

auntblabby wrote:
hope it wasn't grisly like my dream was.
It wasn't that bad. I actually just remembered alittle bit. I was moping wood floors which was the clothing section & the racks weren't in a straight line; instead they were like a corn maze & I was having a problem finding my way out & every dead end was as muddy as a pigsty.

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
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