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03 Feb 2018, 6:52 am

My sinuses. Always my sinuses. :x

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03 Feb 2018, 9:00 am


Getting asked if I am a boy or girl, Chinese or Vietnamese

Off leash dogs

On leash dogs

Dog owners

Children, teens, adults

When someone acts like they have never done anything wrong before, and I invented the world's worst felony

When someone says "are you still mad at me?". As if it is always unjustified to be "mad". "Mad" is not an emotion. It's "angry"

When they half listen when I talk, repeat it back wrong, and then grunt "huh" or "what" like it is the etiquette equivalent of "excuse me"


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03 Feb 2018, 3:52 pm

Chronos wrote:
auntblabby wrote:
never got to own a luxury car. way above my pay grade.

I come from an era when "luxury car" meant it had air conditioning.

you're two decades younger than me, how is this so? :scratch: when I was growing up, power windows was luxury. :bounce:


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03 Feb 2018, 9:35 pm

getting asked for drugs, cigarettes, $$.

when someone looks me up and down.

when someone talks too much and too loud.

too much criticism

cross examination

too much praise/euphemisms

dichotomous thinking


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04 Feb 2018, 12:58 pm

My keyboard. I keep hitting the caps lock key by mistake, and then I have to change it so people won't think I'm screaming, and people find it very annoying anyway.

And the skin on my elbows is bothering me again. Must the the time of year.


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04 Feb 2018, 1:24 pm

My mom being a clean freak this morning as my sister and I were eating breakfast.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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04 Feb 2018, 9:05 pm

Whole Foods security guard had the nerve to tell me to pull up your pants. Numerous other security guards ignored me.

Blue Jay
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05 Feb 2018, 6:13 pm

My boss. I'm starting to think he's been trying to annoy me enough to make me resign so I can't ask for anything (holiday package and that stuff). But then I think that he's always been this way. But basically I could have yelled at him if he were in front of me. He's so annoying sometimes, enough to mess with my mood for the day. So there's that.


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05 Feb 2018, 9:18 pm

it appears that, almost all the time, almost everyone acts like he/she (1) knows everything (2) is much more important than they are (3) is morally entitled to get whatever they want immediately (4) is deities' gift to the solar system (5) is morally innocent (6) is perfect (7) and entitled to judge/assess.

they act so theatrical/dramatic/emotional. any time you do or say something they do not like, they tell you it is "disrespectful" or "rude". as if you invented disrespect. and then they unleash the full. unlimited amount of anger. and they act morally justified.

it feels awkward, when strangers make conversation with me. or attempt to. b/c i feel guilty that i am not approachable. but if i am approachable, then the wrong type could approach me, just like the correct type.

bowel movements often take a long time, with straining. often rocks. and feels incomplete.

loud noises startle me easily

when someone says "i'm sorry she scared you", as if to show empathy/sympathy, when they should've apologized. their dog was off leash and that is illegal. but they do not care what is illegal.

usually when someone has a problem with me, i do not come up with the model answer, in real time. after the fact.

bad, wrong.

no job prospects. no dignity. sometimes, someone acts like i have no rights or emotions b/c i do not have a job.

when someone says "huh" and "what" instead of "excuse me". that is not the etiquette equivalent.


impatient/reckless drivers, drive like a murderer is chasing them

today at Whole Foods, i purposely went through the Cafe entrance, to avoid the security guard. and it was a different security guardd. but now i feel like i have to do that, every time. b/c i do not know who the security guard will be. and when i see him, he could see me too. not an inconvenience, but just one more thing to remember.


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05 Feb 2018, 10:38 pm

How there is two definitions of anti-social... It makes it hard to describe Shadow to people. Shadow is the kind that is completely voided of the sense morality and laws and he's a criminal. He's not the other kind of anti-social which a lot of people associate the canonical Shadow the Hedgehog with.

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05 Feb 2018, 11:06 pm

Some of us are too superficial and materialistic

Getting blamed for things



Not having nearly as much energy as everyone else

Constantly wanting to gorge

Feeling exhausted all the time


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06 Feb 2018, 1:41 pm

The "big three" forms of hatred: racism, sexism, and homophobia.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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06 Feb 2018, 8:47 pm

At the bus stop, a woman told me that I did not speak English.

Just because I ain't white.

And I was too lazy to correct her.

Extroverts annoying


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06 Feb 2018, 8:50 pm

When I’m stressed my jaw pain or TMJ like symptoms seem to worsen. Even causes me to pause when speaking since the pain seems to worsen when talk in the phone. Talking on the phone doesn’t stress me out, just have stress in my life now.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure."


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06 Feb 2018, 9:56 pm

worrying about whether the car i want has been sold or not :skull:

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07 Feb 2018, 12:40 am

Why are bullies always the good guys? Why are they also the heroes of most people's lives? Why is it that when anyone challenges a bully's belief system suddenly that anyone is a bully herself/himself? It seems to me that maybe this world prefers bullies than they do anyone who tries to promote intellectual ideas. Apparently intellects are mad scientists wanting to rule the world, and yet we can't seem to find anything really against anyone who happens to not have any intellectual qualities. Sure, we can find them as high school bullies, but beyond that, no no no no, you are an absolute benefit to society for calling everyone who is an intellect a moron and stomping on their career chances is what makes you a hero to everyone.

Yeah, sure, totally I'm a bully, and you are a victim, and my proof is that I disagree. Being opinionated suddenly appears unsavory in this politically correct time. I'm going to take the badge of being a childish twerp who has nothing, because it certainly does beat being an overly powerful inconsiderate jerk who takes on anyone.

I'm going to accept I'm a boy and not a man, because apparently being a man means hurting yourself instead of being civilized.