Dillogic wrote:
I've been circling the periphery of life all the same. There's some positives, as you see things that most will miss as they're under its spell, and even if socially stunted, you also see things others will miss within that social context, which can be useful. Even within that circle, I'm still outside of it. As a young man (20 or so), it saved me. As an older man (40 or so), it makes you feel powerless compared to that spell, and it's a lonesome circumference you walk. Numbness comes and goes, and it feels good when it's there for me. It's mostly pain and suffering. Maybe it's better to be normal, at least when it comes to my pain and suffering as that wouldn't be there, but maybe not in other ways, as I wouldn't be here.
That's my solitary experience of looking inside from outside.
I understand your perspective...
No one remember's your name..
You're on the periphery of life
When you're strange
Or to be more specific, periphery of the social order
Or maybe right in the middle
But still stranger in a a strange land...
Never to fit in, or truly belong
But to be an anomaly
Not part of the crowd
But to have a distance, therefore a different perspective
The fish doesn't know it's in water
Unless it's taken out
Same thing with Cultures..Society
Many people are one dimensional
I find.
Nietzsche spoke of circles.
AQ: 27 Diagnosis:High functioning (just on the cusp of normal.) IQ:131 (somewhat inflated result but ego-flattering) DNA:XY Location: UK. Eyes: Blue. Hair: Brown. Height:6'1 Celebrity I most resemble: Tom hardy. Favorite Band: The Doors. Personality: uhhm ....(what can i say...we asd people are strange)