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phoenixjsu Veteran
Joined: 14 May 2006Age: 48Gender: MalePosts: 3,485Location: The South
TigerFire has had some interesting posts.
alexa232 Veteran
Joined: 12 Apr 2006Gender: FemalePosts: 772
phoenixjsu is a fast poster; wow, 286 posts in under 10 days.
Raph522 Veteran
Joined: 4 May 2006Gender: FemalePosts: 13,717
alexa232 has really nice things to say
Raph522 is also a very quick poster...
deep-techno Veteran
Joined: 7 Jan 2006Age: 33Gender: MalePosts: 1,080Location: Exeter, UK
I am a very logical thinker. So is phoenixjsu.
I like deep techno's signature. Very well said.
alexa has a nice avatar.
Phoenixjsu likes music
I really do. It calms me. Raph522 likes choclate -- happiness in a wrapper.
that is so true... phoenixjsu has a really good sence of humor
I try. Sometimes I fail. Raph522 is a pretty sharp thinker.
Tequila Veteran
Joined: 25 Feb 2006Age: 36Gender: MalePosts: 28,897Location: Lancashire, UK
phoenixjsu seems to have a good choice in colours. (My favourite colour is orange, alongside a nice navy blue.)
tequila is a fast typer
Raph522 types faster than me.
Raph522 has got an interesting avatar. Is it supposed to be a pirate or someone committing seppuku?