Political ones:
Lately I've been more and more unhappy with feminists, specifically the ones who live in first world countries and complain about the most pathetic things! Women are not weak babies and I'm tired of it. But I don't really like "anti-feminists" either.
Related to that I think either BOTH men and women should have to sign up for the draft, or neither. Personally I think neither is best, I think the draft shouldn't exist. But if we can't get rid of the draft then we need to make things equal by having both genders sign up.
Sexuality and gender are not a "choice" and people need to stop treating it like some label-yourself-with-the-most-unique-terms game. There's also such thing as "not conforming to gender roles" that means if a boy likes dresses it doesn't mean he's a girl! And the same if a girl likes to have short hair and make-up it doesn't mean she's a boy! Being transgender is when you have dysphoria, not when you reject gender roles. (that's a simplified version of it at least)
White people wearing dreads or talking in slang is not cultural appropriation. If a white person grew up in an area with mostly black people, why WOULDN'T they end up with the same speech habits? I think people are going too far and being "offended on the behalf of others" and are instead being disrespectful themselves. We need to fight real cultural appropriation (which is when people are being disrespectful and insulting another culture) and not fight cultural appreciation and sharing (which is not disrespectful and is actually encouraged by most cultures).
Another ones that people on this site might not like is that I don't agree with self diagnosis. I see too many teenagers pretending to have autism to look cool or quirky or cute. They do this with other things like mental illness or disabilities. Right now borderline personality disorder is very "trendy" for teenagers to self diagnose, even though personality disorders are not diagnosed when someone is under 18 for many reasons (except in very rare special cases). I think it's very insulting to turn something people struggle with into some trivial accessory you can take on and off when convenient. I will say that I think self diagnosis is ok sometimes, and I'm not going to go around telling people "you don't really have that" or anything silly.
Non-political and more silly ones:
I don't understand why people think sex is so important or a "need". I see people get depressed because they can't have sex, and it makes no sense to me because you don't need it! Same goes for masturbation, what is the obsession? I think people over-hype it all and treat it too seriously. I also hate it when people act like they can't control themselves over it, because yes you can unless you have a medical disorder! There are so many other things to do, but everyone seems to hold sex as the most important activity in the world. I know that my opinion on this subject is extremely unpopular for most people, so I've accepted that I'll never understand lol!
The obsession with sports. People can act crazy and obsessive and destroy things and hurt people over sports, yet when someone does it over another hobby it's seen as dumb or overreacting. Also why is sports of all things the go-to obsession of the majority of the population? It would be less annoying if it wasn't so popular. I also think it's kind of funny how much America loves sports, yet the population is obese and overweight! You can tell people that sports or music is important to you and your life, but if you say something like video games are important they think you're a freak!
The recent trend in "fat positivity" has turned into "shame and attack anyone who isn't fat enough to be part of the club". Being fat doesn't make you oppressed, both overweight and underweight people have problems in life and we should accept everyone. This is totally a first world problem.
Bacon or tacos or any other popular food- you're not cute for acting like a freak whenever someone mentions these foods. "OMG BACON XD" or "OMG HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE TACOS" so annoying! It's not a big deal, I think those foods taste fine but they aren't my favorite and I don't always want to eat them. Also putting bacon on everything is very unhealthy. I hate it when certain foods turn into "memes" if you can even call it that.
Oh also I don't like those "SJW" type people. Stop bringing politics and keyboard-activism into conversations! I just want to talk about my interests and hobbies!