nurseangela wrote:
I must be really stressed cause I bought a ton of stuff. A twig tree for the fireplace from where else but QVC - arrives today. Then I want to re-caulk the shower so I have to let it dry out a bit cause I shower everyday. To get that accomplished I got a new rose shower curtain and liner for the other bathroom, a tub liner, new towel sets. Then school starts today (this is the reason I'm stressed of course). I read the syllabus and found out that we will have to upload our papers in pdf format to some dropbox. Wth? So I went on my favorite website (Amazon) and found a scanner for documents and it just has to have a feeder so that upped the price an extra $15 so it came out to $100. Whatever. Now I have to figure out how to use that. Oh, I forgot, I had to also buy a lab coat and goggles. Time to get ready for school or as they say "time to make the donuts". Crap.
I hate mornings. I got up in the morning before and it was awful. (I'm sure Grumpy Cat has probably said this) Guess what, it's still awful.
You really don't need a scanner upload your papers. Most word processing applications nowadays will let you save to .pdf. Even if your word processor doesn't support .pdf, you can install a printer driver that will print your work to .pdf.