Campin_Cat wrote:
Awww, I'm sorry, Jennifer----but, at least, it seems he's still your friend?
I've gotten reactions, that were similar----the thought of what we have overwhelms them, because they don't know the first thing about it, and they've got their OWN problems.....
Actually, I'd RATHER someone said that to me----at least I'd know where I stand.....
Just don't try to talk to him about it, anymore----it'll only serve to opening yourself up, for hurt / disappointment.....
Thank you, Campin_Cat. I have a very black-and-white definition of friendship (something I have always struggled with), so yes, he is still my friend, but what that pretty much means is that I am a friend to him through all his NT-self's challenges (and yes, he definitely has his own problems, so I am not mad at him for laying down a clear boundary), but he will not be a friend (at least at the moment) to the AS-me (though we will be friends with the NT-me because that is his comfort zone and I play NT so well).
I am definitely not bringing this up with him again. It is sad because I have known him for many years, and thought that having known me and having seen me struggle for ever, and finally find a diagnosis, he would be more open to supporting me as I go through this discovery phase. Alas, no.
But that is okay. This is all part of the journey -- and I do have this forum to use to connect with people to some degree...