kraftiekortie wrote:
I certainly hope #2 is a lie. You don't need that crap.
Yes, 2 is a lie. People are always delighted to see him.
3 is true. I'm working on a PC which is available for use where I'm lodging. It's pretty funny that I needed assistance just to find Google (I'm clueless without Apple products). It's very sunny so I need to withdraw from the world for a few hours and have some down-time.
As a child:
1. I liked to pitch tents and sleep outdoors in our garden with my muppets
2. I liked to sing and dance with my hair brush, pretending I was in ABBA
3. I loved any and all swim toys (beach balls, inflatable rafts, water wings), because of their smell
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.