(maybe I should write a "Riik's encyclopedia of emotions". It would be an... interesting read.)
wefklasdjodfh - A sort of feeling that feels feelingish, without feeling like another feeling that is also feelingish. Is neither happy nor sad and may or may not have an orientation toward positivity or negativity, though just how much and to which one is unknown. Not to be confused with "Sfdjklghnjashsafksdjfhbutg".
Stimming, stimming all day long~
Common sense? Me? Hahahahahahaha no. You're more likely to find penguins in the sahara.
We should adapt - but we should not conform.
A life without tea is a life not worth living.
Latest Aspie Quiz: AS - 151, NT - 38 / RAADS-R: 195 / AQ: 38