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phoenixjsu Veteran
Joined: 14 May 2006Age: 48Gender: MalePosts: 3,485Location: The South
cell phone... I don't know what I would do now that I have one. I used to shun it. same
Raph522 Veteran
Joined: 4 May 2006Gender: FemalePosts: 13,717
video game i don't have a cell phone X's or O's
X's because they are cool. same
x's same reason solid or liquid
solid emoticons or emotions in parenthesis
(emotions) or
= fun twisters or fruit rollups?
fruit roll up (never had twister) lemon or lime
lemon same
both are good monopoly or game of life
monopoly... because I'm a megalomaniac. Same
same... analog or digital
digital... because analog blows Playstation or X-box?
playstation(2) (better controler) @ or at
(I like that controller better too) at ... I don't always like abbreviations. cars or trucks.
cars easier to drive moon or stars