Raleigh wrote:
sorry to hear that.
Hugs to you.
Thanks, Raleigh----hugs to you, too!! Cyber hugs, that is----I don't wanna touch you..... I'm so sorry about your shutdown / meltdown, at work----I know how rough they are.
I always like reading your posts.Rockymtchris wrote:
First snow on the ground of the season earlier today (only about an inch and a half on the lawns, mostly melted now), but what I find most depressing about it is that it fell on the same exact day of our first snowfall last year.
Awww, Chris, I was totally thinking about you, when I'd heard the snow hit your area----I'm glad it wasn't devastating!!
Also Cat, I can feel for your situation as I lost a brother-in-law back in 2003 when cops shot him while raiding his meth lab. I guess it was the hard way to find out he was a "cook".
I'm sorry for your loss, Chris. Yeah, these cooks gotta cook somethin' else, don't they!!
I actually don't have anything to be unhappy about, today----YAAAAAY!! I should go put that on the "Post something that made you HAPPY today"! !
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)