About time there was a sticky or forum for pets. Most of us who find human action and contact a challenge have our pets to thank for keeping us somewhat sane.
I have 2 boys and one girl. I'd love to get a dog but money is tight right now. Anyway here they are:
This is Calypso. Here's a before and after shot from when she was hanging around my yard starving and without a home to a queen living happily ever after.
And this is Bob. Bob I also found wandering in my yard for days however he didn't look as bad as Calypso. His favorite spot is the kitchen sink.
Bill who is an American ringtail I saved from the shelter. He looked like he was going to die and I was hesitant to get him at first due to his state of health. He was very scrawny and sick with a cold. Normally I would've gotten a kitten but after what they said about him and his age, people not likely to adopt adult cats, I asked if I could hold him and I knew immediately had to have him. Since then his health and condition is too good. I wish I had a before and after shot because I think his condition was much worse than Calypso's. In fact I was prepared after taking him to the vet to have them checked that he would be diagnosed with Feline Leukemia or something fatal. But as it turns out, he was completely healthy but malnourished. Now he eats like a little pig and is an alpha like Calypso which I guess makes him king.