anna-banana wrote:
I miss:
Prof Pretorius

(if anyone knows if he's good, let me know!)
my buddies Mr Bogan and zero_equals_true
I_wanna_blue (not sure if he's still here?)
Kingdom of Rats
and many more whose usernames I've forgoten

Thanks anna.

Yes I'm still around from time to time. I was wondering where you got to, hope you'll still find time to visit the site these days.
Strapples I worry about the kid. I know he has a blog he'll post into once in a while.
StinkyPuppyProf Pretorius wherever you may be. Thanks for helpiong me in my stressful situations.
Kalister even though he was a stink.
tinkySleepyDragonMagnusCelticGoddessGraelwynrichardbensonSilverProteus i still worry about her. tried contacting and everything. she believed she was being stalked by her professor.
ebec11 hope she's ok too.
AverickGoatOnFire funny as hell. had me totally fooled on April Fool's Day.
Space CaseComputerloveGreenTealemonDeja Qen una islaAwesomelygloriousSedakaZen Mistress who has also helped me through my downs and a wonderful person.
Lightening88ShadesofMeAlternativeMR BOGAN by the way i watched The Trailer Park Boys, it was ok.
IrulanNico It's been a long time girl and I've tried contacting you. I hope you're ok.
KRABZRainSongpbcollKilroysamtoogreenblueDigger even though he was an ass
millie very inspiring woman with a talent for art.
Gary funny as hell but i think some people took him the wrong way and yeah he could be kind of crude but witty.
And there's more......
Some of them died, some of them were banned, some of them were put in a mental institution, some of them were banned but got a second life, some of them decided they hated this place for whatever reasons, some of them have moved on, and some of them probably don't post as frequently or much like they use to, I'm one of them.
awww man I remember like 99% of those people but forgot I even remembered them. where have they all gone?
what was the name of that English guy with dyed hair who sang in like an electroclash band and often dressed in awesome drag? I miss him! and the crazy Dutch guy Erminea and the other crazy Norwegian who got banned like a dozen times