shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
it appears that, almost all the time, almost everyone acts like he/she (1) knows everything (2) is much more important than they are (3) is morally entitled to get whatever they want immediately (4) is deities' gift to the solar system (5) is morally innocent (6) is perfect (7) and entitled to judge/assess.
If it's almost everyone, then it's likely an aspect of the human species and perhaps we should be forgiving of these things much as we might be forgiving of cats for scratching on furniture, as annoying as it may be.
yeah and i tolerate it.
shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
they act so theatrical/dramatic/emotional. any time you do or say something they do not like, they tell you it is "disrespectful" or "rude". as if you invented disrespect. and then they unleash the full. unlimited amount of anger. and they act morally justified.
It would be unusual for one to go through life without upsetting someone. Some people you just can't win with. They will have to just be upset.
"someone"? one? your entire life? that sounds pretty difficult. especially since some of us are racist, sexist, homophobic. "go back to your country!", someone had the nerve to tell me. "what you doing in my country," a separate (not overlapping the first one) stranger had the nerve to tell me. thus, i "upset" them (plural, two, at least), by living in the united states. furthermore, maybe other precious lil "people" feel angry, when i continue living. "people" literally means two or more, but it sounds like everyone in the world. and it sounds like i am not a person.
shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
it feels awkward, when strangers make conversation with me. or attempt to. b/c i feel guilty that i am not approachable. but if i am approachable, then the wrong type could approach me, just like the correct type.
I suppose in some instances it's appropriate for someone to seem approachable...are these people you work with or have some responsibility to?
shortfatbalduglyman wrote:
bowel movements often take a long time, with straining. often rocks. and feels incomplete.
This may be due to lack of fiber in your diet. A cup of steamed or boiled vegetables a day might help, though you should consult a doctor about your bowel issues. They may want to do a colonoscopy.
went to at least five different medical doctors. told them about bowel movements. they did nothing, but talk to me. tell me to take Metamucil. tell me it's "ok". tell me to eat vegetables and drink water. nobody did a colonoscopy. thus far.
bowel movements. two to three per day. ten minutes to ninety minutes. usually rocks. the most recent bowel movement that did not involve/require straining, was several months ago or something.