adromedanblackhole wrote:
naturalplastic wrote:
I have a theory that UFOs might not space ships carrying alien astronauts (Buzz Aldrin's in reverse) as commonly supposed, but might be themselves living organisms that actually live in space. There is a Mexican volcano were UFOs are often seen. Some think that they are space craft somehow refueling from the sulfur fumes of the volcano. But maybe they are themselves living critters. Maybe they come to earth to spawn (like salmon), and eat sulfur fumes from volcanos, and then jump back into interplanetary space, and feed off of solar radiation and cosmic rays.
Hmm ... interesting idea.
I don't weigh in too much about actual UFOs.
I am comfortable with the idea that many of these are government testing new technology. Well no, I'm not really comfortable with that idea at all, it just seems plausible to me.
When you wrote "critters" it immediately made me think of this!
We were watching a TV doc about alien abductees, and mom quipped that "one day one of these people is gonna come back with a metal tag hanging from their ear. Like those tags park rangers put on wildlife to keep track of their migrations".
Some years later I saw another cable show about how some abductees have...IMPLANTS. Little foreign objects in their bodies of unexplainable origin. Was Mom onto something?
Someone cue up the Twilight Zone music!
I told this once to a Native American guy who was, very, disturbed to hear this to say the least and recommended I take his spot in a peyote ceremony to protect my spirit from "that thing they put in you." I declined.
Very true story.
However "they" were a team of doctors at the Children's Hospital of Orange County and not aliens