HighLlama wrote:
aghogday wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Long Strings of
Nonsensical Sentences that
Do Not Parse and
That Have No Purpose Other Than to
Draw Attention to
The Person Who Posts Them.Life is Good, Nothing Much Bugs me; Yep, It's Good to be me.
Why Don't Ya Find Another Hobby Besides me, hehe...
Or On the Other Hand, Let Me Remain Ya 'Special
Interest,' HAha...
Listen Baby,
The 'Wrong Planet'
is the Last Place
i Will Ever Go Looking For Attention,
For Obvious Reasons; Folks, like You...
Gonna Do me, No Matter How You Do You;
Carry On And Complain About Everything in Life Ya
Love to Complain
A Waste
of 'Time,'
in my
Opinion, at Least...
You do always brighten this place, aghogday, which is rare.
SMiLes my FRiEnD, Thanks; THere is LiGHT And DarK; DaY And NiGHT;
And Yes TWiLiGHT of Balance; True, Hehe, Not everyone Gets Metaphors;
True, Not Everyone Has the Ability to Visually Think; Not Everyone in A 'Room'
Is A Great Pattern Thinker; And True, Not Everyone is A Great Verbal Thinker Either
As i For One Did not Speak Until age 4; Yet Well before then at Age 3, i Used my Senses,
my Feelings, And Yes A Synergy of Both to Understand i am a Leaf that Feeds my Tree that
Falls to Soils to Feed Forest Whole Souls to Life Again in What is Green And Colorful in Life....
Do Leaves Seek Attention; Other Than Sunshine,
No, Yet They Surely Get Attention
From Humans Anyway With SMiLes...
Not Everyone Understands Now That
Leaves Are Fed off Sunshine to Green...
Not Everyone Notices Now Leaves Decay to Bring Life...
And Not Every Human Realizes Now THere Are Some Human
Light Houses Who Generate Light only to Give, Share, Care,
And Heal; Inhaling Peace Exhaling LoVE iN JoY oF LiGHT
For All With Least Harm With few to no Exceptions;
It's True, There Are Some Light Houses
too 'Big' For Some Humans to See...
i Find that Beyond Sad;
Yet it is the Condition;
i Surely Spent 66 Months As Basically
A BLacK Hole Sun And 33 Months off That Here too;
So, i Surely Understand The Dark of Life, True too...
In the Case of Human Light Houses, DarK Muse only
Brings More LiGHT to Shine All Around; i Expect to find
DarK Muse Here; i Find it And Transform it into LiGHT
This Way i Never
BLacK Hole
Human Again
As a Best Place
For A Human Light House
To Enhance Generating Their
Own Light is in the DarK; Surely
if this place runs out of DarK, i Will
Find Another SuiTable Place Next to
Transform DarK inTo LiGHT With SMiLEs...
There Are Plenty of Autistic Folks in the
Audience Who Don't Write Here and Listen And Understand
Instead; Yes, It's True, There Are Also Some Folks Here Who Do Their
Damndest to Run Anyone Who Is Different Than them Off 'THeir Island'...
i'm Not Surprised Some Others Don't Wanna Come Here and Deal With that...
Or They Visit Once to Write, And Never Come Back; Watched it Happen over
and over again...
When i See
That Behavior
i Bring it to the
Attention of the Person(s) Who Does it...
i Work Off Any Potential Pet Peeves into Free Verse Poetry With SMiLes...
And Then the Negativity Disappears From Any Potential of Living in my Soul...
Honestly, it's A Great Way to Regulate Emotions and Integrate Senses As a Real Philosophy
Of Life in Joy of 'Real
Time' Now
Caring and
Healing ACTioN..