kitesandtrainsandcats wrote:
Joe90 wrote:
A door code that only the staff know, to the entrances and exits only (not doors to every single room).
With today's kids it might remain staff-only knowledge for, oh, as long as 20 minutes.
Well it doesn't matter really, as long as psychos off the street don't, and the code can change every year so that kids that have left and have become angry psycho teenagers won't know the code to get in.
OK, enough with the ifs, ands and buts, as Isabella said there is no perfect system but it might help make the school's a little safer, and children must know how scary and bad school shootings are, especially knowing that they happen so often over there, so I don't think the kids are going to be too bothered about spreading a code around to everyone in the world.
Kids might only do that if they're forbidden to enter a room with a code. With this, it is not forbidding children to enter any doors, it is keeping them safe from the psychos that could be lurking around with their precious little guns.
I know having security codes on outside doors won't make a difference when the children are outside at recess but surely there are some precautions schools can take in order to keep the children safer. I think there's only been one school shooting in the UK, back in 1995 or 1996 in Dunblane.