Today I did some running around so I could get a revision on my subject in uni, it was a new subject that most failed but it was especialy bad for me as it was going against my aspergers. If I don't get something done they may force me to do it again (still would not work well for me) and I can not do a subject I think I might do well in. I got an email that was sent to all who attended it, it was an apology for it not being up to scratch and that they will do better next time. For crying out loud we paid for this and they gave us a bogus subject that a great deal of us will have to pay for again this will cause us to have to do another term of this slowing takeing another 6 months we could use to make it into the work force. It is rediculous and no one is basicaly listening to me that I can not do this subject as reading 7 pages or something, remembering them, and doing a quize therfore makeing the knowledge then irelivent. Basicaly when I learn information I need to learn this information well I need to go into obbsesion mode and using it like that was driving me mad. My mind does not work like a normal persons.
Through dream I travel, at lantern's call
To consume the flames of a kingdom's fall