I think I narrowly and cowardly avoided getting badly beaten up.
I've always had a hard time with queues, especially with not very precisely defined ones, where it's not very clear what counts as cutting in front of someone and what doesn't. Often, if I'm the first to come, people will spontaneously make a line beside me and advance with it, leaving me stuck there unless I go back all the way, if the geometry of the place even allows me to.
So I was waiting to take a really busy and crowded elevator. Needless to say, I didn't even try to fit inside with all the people who were there before me. Instead, I hoped to be the first left there to wait for the elevator to come back. A young woman came shortly after that, so, fearing she'd start the line leaving me out, I stood behind her. A second line formed in parallel with ours.
The elevator came. People began to rush inside; I couldn't tell where they'd come from, but they were probably a mix of those in the second line and others approaching in the middle. Before I could register it, the woman in front of me disappeared into the elevator, without leaving any discernible room for me to follow her.
Since I hate wasting my time, I was reading something on my phone, but kept an eye on the array of people in front of me, waiting for a chance to squeeze my bulky self inside.
Turns out the concept of when there's enough room to move ahead varies wildly with the observer. I began to feel an annoying push on my back, but didn't move because I didn't see any void among the crowd I could take. This didn't seem to matter to my pusher. I briefly turned my head to see who it was, only to find a really fit and muscular guy, at least as tall as me, rapidly losing his patience. He didn't talk to me, but complained audibly that I was holding them all back because I was distracted with my phone and not paying attention. I "considered" (read, "fantasized about remotely having a hundredth of the balls needed for") telling him there was no room in front of me and inviting him to go ahead himself, bypassing me, and forcing his way into the elevator if he wanted to, making it clear I refuse to do the same. Obviously, I'd expect him to punch my head off without listening, before I could begin to utter the third word.
So I just kept resisting a bit, and then, when a tiny semblance of a traversable space finally appeared, I let him shove me inside and tried to look the other way while he kept explicitly venting his irritation talking to who looked like his girlfriend.
It beats me what would be an actually sensible behavior in a situation like that.
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.