kraftiekortie wrote:
I think you’re a fine lady.
I hope you shall have a most fruitful future.
I think you will—through, alas, the hard lessons you’ve learned.
One thing you’ve your youthful joie vivre.
Thank you! btw I was able to learn juggling quite easily and I did well on my performance. Strangely, I have no recollection of which soliloquys I spoke. I think they were all Romeo & Juliet.
1. I moved back with my parents for ten months after graduating (including my one month trip).
2. I continued to take / audit British Lit. classes just for pleasure, at the local University. During this time I was offered a job grading papers for a prof who could barely see.
3. I published my Brontë thesis through Oxford Press, and it is available for purchase at the Brontë parsonage.
I never give you my number, I only give you my situation.