They say that your favorite animal describes you. Whts your favorite animal and what do you think that says about your personality?
I'm not convinced that my fave animals say anything about me other than I like animals I find cute/beautiful.
So maybe that I'm shallow?
My first favorite is turtles (that includes terrapins, tortoises and sea turtles). For terrapins and tortoises the ability to hide within one's shell is something I wouldn't mind doing myself. A strong protective shell would be nice.
All my childhood fictional turtles had great shells where they hid, lived and kept all sorts of things. If I had been that kind of turtle, I would not come out much, just enjoy my interests in peace.
My second favorite pet is dogs (especially collies).
A lot of dogs are beautiful, but all dogs are charming. They're often extremely loyal and always happy to see you (unless you're up late and they planned on laying on the sofa at night only to find you sitting there lol - I swear I heard my dog curse that night!)
I lack dogs' qualities but I sure appreciate them in dogs.
My second favorite wild animal is the wolf. Aside from being beautiful and intelligent, they are complex and fascinating. The more I learn about them, the more I want to know.