Dylanperr wrote:
A southern hemisphere calendar.
By that I mean one that is backwards like the seasons and you can still celebrate Christmas in winter in places like Australia and New Zealand.
I would say the biggest reason why this wasnt invented because Australia and New Zealand were colonized before Christmas was commercialized.
By commercialized, it became associated with decorations, snow, Christmas food.
Not sure what you mean.
But yes I can imagine how holidays are messed up because you have summer when we have winter.
Do you mean that you want to celebrate Christmas when there is snow on the ground in the temperate zone in the southern Hemisphere (which would be when its summer here in the northern hemisphere)?
If thats what you mean then that makes sense to me. You all should be allowed to have Christmas on your own southern hemisphere date (around the Summer solstice -june 21 - like Dec. 25th is around the winter solstice-Dec 21- of the northern hemisphere).
You're right about the whole holidays being messed up with the seasons being reversed.