Pepe wrote:
I'm convinced these UFOs are government disinformation to hide experientation.
Have you heard of "Delgardo"?
I can see the irony of me not believing in UFOs but believing in conspiracy theories. lol
I'm open to the idea that UFOs are a ruse to throw the public off secret black projects. However, theres a few weird anomalies that throw this into doubt, namely
1. Almost all secret black projects relating to spy aircraft and jet fighters involved
avoiding public areas, doesn't explain why they would be parading their secret craft in full view of thousands of people (doesn't make sense)
2. There is an automatic freedom of information restrictions easement of all US secrets at 25 years, however documentation relating to UFOs are still either highly redacted or not released. Why? what's there to hide.
3. The current disclosure of naval UFOs could be a ruse except the objects filmed seem to defy current drone technology and hence I quoted the current M-drive research which is still 5 years away from being tested.