Misslizard wrote:
/\ I always hoped to see one when I lived near the Louisiana border but I never did.They are there , but not as many.
That was over thirty years ago, I think they are more plentiful now because we have opened a hunting season for them.
I always wanted a moat with a pet one.haha I will have to make do with my Iguana, she thinks she’s a gator at times.
Occasionally she gives me the stink eye and bites.
Sometimes we see and hear baby gators. They are amazing. They make little, almost bird-like chirps. When they're recently hatched, they flock together. Mom is not too far away and will guard them, so it pays to be a bit careful when bending down near the water to see them more closely.
The river is the melody
And sky is the refrain - Gordon Lightfoot