<helljacker> i am sam
<Prometheus> Son of Sam?
<Prometheus> Sam I am
<Prometheus> Sam in a Pan Am
<helljacker> do the epi do the epi
<Prometheus> Sam, with spam in a pan am
<helljacker> with ham
<helljacker> and some jam
<GalileoAce> Fox In Socks
<Prometheus> Fox in Sock Stocks really shock
<Prometheus> Fox in Sock Stocks reall shock the box
<Prometheus> *really
<helljacker> with hawks
<Prometheus> Sam the Yam likes spam on a ham in Pan Am
<helljacker> with jam
<helljacker> who hit a grand slam
<helljacker> with a wiggety wam
<Prometheus> Sam the Yam jams with the Spam ham on Pan Am Grand Slam
<Prometheus> (This is fun!)
<helljacker> hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaha
<helljacker> what else ryhmes with sam
<helljacker> tram
<helljacker> ram
<helljacker> clam
<Prometheus> Lam
<Prometheus> bam
<Prometheus> can
<Prometheus> Ban
<helljacker> brutwurst
<Prometheus> Ban Sam the Yam from Ram, the bam bam tram in the can
<helljacker> cool
<helljacker> this is fun
<Prometheus> Clam the ram on the grand slam on the lam of the ram tram
6* silph sighs
<Prometheus> Shoot the flying demented pancakes from the vacitican checkpoints
<helljacker> meet your defeat at the hannd of my ultra -PIGGY
<Prometheus> Piggy was the lethal match for the Demented Flying Pancakes
<Prometheus> But Wait! Volsunga Warriors from TWA airlines have come to save the day for the Pancakes
<helljacker> make them spiked crabcakes with mustard
<helljacker> ultra stinky butt shot
<Prometheus> mmmm. . . . . .mustard of purple cubicle cleaners
<helljacker> fire
<helljacker> take that twa
<Prometheus> My head is starting to hurt
<Prometheus> Too much wierd s**t in one day
<GalileoAce> oh?
<Prometheus> ouch. . .ouch the invasion of giant cucumber gods annhilate TWA
<Prometheus> In league with the Yellow Zuuchini Moansterys
<helljacker> PIGGY-eat
<helljacker> and PIGGY eats them all up
<Prometheus> except for the remant of Cucumber gods, who issue their bulls from armpit holes
<Prometheus> Plead your case to the greater International Cucumber God
<silph> smelly.
<Prometheus> Smelly what?
<helljacker> mega Piggy assault armour activate
6* silph frowns
<Prometheus> Cucumber god Mighty Herring of the Volsunga Activate
<helljacker> mega atomic PIGGY commando assault force go
<Prometheus> Mighty Herring, cut the PIGGY down
<helljacker> piggy is unstoppable
6* silph tries to enforce his nonsense-filter
<helljacker> PIGGY will free the land and make it peacful
<Prometheus> Mighty Herring will kill all and make it peacefull
<Prometheus> Mighty Herring in league with the flying pancakes
<helljacker> PIGGY sword activate
<Prometheus> Syrup Cannon, fire
<helljacker> PIGGY shield activate
<helljacker> butt shot fire
<helljacker> fire 1 fire2 fire 3
<Prometheus> Pickle Juice jar protect
6* silph sighs and settles down to just wait until it's over
<helljacker> atomic burp attack
<Prometheus> NOOOOOO!! !! !! !! !!
<helljacker> yes
<Prometheus> Mighty Herring and Demented Flying Pancakes offer a treaty
<helljacker> ok
<Prometheus> Sam the Yam intercesses with the Pancakes
<Prometheus> Who reek of pam
<Prometheus> Peace regains in the land
<Prometheus> Another good crash?
<Prometheus> god crash, god smack, god crack
<Prometheus> Monster Mash of the god crack on a super crash
<Prometheus> superman on a lam in the bam bam tram with son of yam
<Prometheus> Yam bratwrust burst like starburst on a 67' hurst
<Prometheus> 67' hurst black like lack of yak in a kayak
<Prometheus> kayak blue without a clue were the glue oozes
<Prometheus> oozes, the man says. Ray-ban sam on the ram can pam pam
6* Prometheus quietly waits to be shot
All your bass are belong to us.