just got up after semi-lucid dream where I was in some large store or public art building, there were people all in dark gray non-descript clothing milling about me [they were like animated cardboard cutouts], and I was leaning on a pillar, heard what sounded like live music around the corner with the sweetest trebles I had ever heard, I knew they were using amplification in that it was not all "unplugged" or acoustic. so I walked around the corner and was dumbfounded that it was a super-high-end fancy stereo sound system featuring shiny silver Crown [very high end] electronics and [surprised] Sony speakers in a new state-of-the-art design, I remember their model number embossed on the dark gray sides of them read "Sony sp-579." they each had a main speaker element that looked like a fat shiny silver straw about 3/4 inch in diameter and about 10" tall, vertically situated in a translucent metallic film cage that was open on most sides with just enough metallic film to hold the metal speaker element in place. the sound [Diane Krall was playing] was tonally pure and uncolored, as close to live as the audio state of the art could reproduce, crystalline trebles, I could hear EVERYTHING in that recording, the rustling of the musician's clothing, their breathing, squeak of the drummer's stool as he was sitting on it and drumming, the acoustics of the recording studio, everything. I wanted to buy at least the speakers, so I turned around to a tall stocky smug-looking equipment representative [got the feeling he did NOT want to be called a mere salesman] dressed in brown tweed slacks and baggy white button-down shirt, no tie- and before I could say a word he sneered at me with his fat overfed rich-boy face, and said "IF YOU HAVE TO ASK....." and turned around and walked away from me. I was miffed at his arrogance, then I awoke.