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thewrll Veteran
Joined: 10 May 2009Age: 38Gender: MalePosts: 10,619
Probably 5 steps. Have you ever been to the hospital? If so for what?
oddone Deinonychus
Joined: 6 Sep 2010Age: 53Gender: MalePosts: 352
Yes. Broken (technical term) kidney. It fixed itself but they still wanted to do unpleasant investigations. Are you afraid of clowns?
Nope, I love clowns Do you love clowns?
I'm suspicious of clowns. Have you ever entered a country illegally?
Indy Veteran
Joined: 21 Apr 2011Age: 43Gender: MalePosts: 950
No. What country would you really like to visit?
Not that I know of since I have only otherwise than my country entered Mexico and Canada. Have you ever skated without holding onto the edge of the rink?
I'm too clumsy to skate. Would you prefer to travel by aeroplane, helicopter or magic carpet?
danmac Veteran
Joined: 22 Mar 2010Age: 50Gender: MalePosts: 3,652Location: chi town burbs
magic carpet...she's fun do you think it's ok to think bad thoughts?
No! Stop it at once! Is cheese and chips (fries) an acceptable combination?
It's a very tasty combination What was the last book you read?
Xuntasi Hummingbird
Joined: 6 Jun 2011Age: 35Gender: MalePosts: 19
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Have you ever been to Candy Mountain? (tripping on lsd counts)
TallyMan Veteran
Joined: 30 Mar 2008Gender: MalePosts: 40,061
No. Have you ever trolled a forum?
jmnixon95 Veteran
Joined: 26 Dec 2009Gender: FemalePosts: 20,931Location: 미국
Yep. Same question.
No, but I can start. Is autism caused by vaccines or mercury?
Kaybee Veteran
Joined: 6 Oct 2009Age: 39Gender: FemalePosts: 3,446Location: A hidden forest
I highly doubt it is caused by either. Are any of your family members autistic, that you are aware of?
Yes, me (undiagnosed). My mum reckons my dad was slightly on the spectrum, but if he was it was drowned in alcohol so who knows. Same question.