lostonearth35 wrote:
My mom sent a guy from work to drive me to the grocery store. He wouldn't stop stalking and saying stupid things, like do you think the snow will be gone why are they opening up a new pet store when we have one already at a different mall. Then I lost it and yelled at him to shut up. I had a check that I wanted to cash in at the bank that was on the other end of the parking lot, so I had to walk all the way over to it while there are idiots in their cars who can't see people in front of them in broad daylight. Then I had to walk back to get my meds refilled, and the drug store was noisy and busy and I had to wait forever in line. They said it would take a half hour for the refills at least so I went into the grocery store and once again the line-ups are horrendous. Finally I call my mom for a ride home and she was wondering why it took me so long, she sends another guy from work who giggles all the time and asks stupid questions about the weather which makes me lose it again but he doesn't seem to hear a word I say and still won't shut up about the stupid weather.
Life is nothing but a fight. And at the end you lose the fight and die anyway, so what's the point?
That sounds horribly frustrating.
It just occurred to me that you might close your eyes and holler the poem
https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/jabberwocky until you're home again. Or maybe just sing anything really loud.
Hope things get better for you soon.