It was blowing in the wind.
Aliuloj jam sufiĉas, do vi estu vi mem, jes, vi mem, jes, vi mem, jes vi mem!
It was hardly the first time the grim perspective of despairing all will to power presented itself as the only way. But it didn't present itself, much like the world soul didn't.
"Os homens não acreditam em tesouros". Startled, I spun on my left heel, but he wasn't there.
"Escuta o teu coração!". And he was right, for something small and restless was twitching there. It was, however, on the left.
Left he had. Eventually, an unkempt pair of wings made their way out and plummeted with their dead payload.
I knew I had to raise my gaze. I wasn't fooling anyone, unable though pigs may be to do likewise. So I read: "Nadie escribe sobre aquello de lo que carece". And he was right, too, and commanded far too much respect for me to think of replying with that easy pun. But something scribbled nonetheless on my finger. It hurt, but its seeming wisdom disarmed me.
"¿Por qué los japoneses no tienen este dedo?". I struggled to rein in the urge to shoot back, "¿Qué dedo ni qué cojones, hijo de p...!". But it was by no means about to let me go in peace, not in one piece anyway.
"Y esto", it said while making the pain really excruciating, "es por pensar con puntuación obsoleta. ¿Te crees mejor por abrir con interrogación y cerrar con exclamación, so capullo?". Then I remembered that revealing nightmare, when I had to inhabit a bear's body, only to be consistently defeated by a dapper, little bird I knew all the children among the audience would sympathize with. Each time was more humiliating than the previous one. Sarcastically, that minute, all but invisible being taunted me by carelessly toying with those lines I'd come to treasure so much. "Quem vai não volta jamais".
Once more, I wanted to retort, "Quem é que vai, e aonde, seu palhaço fedorento?!". But it stung, and there was no question it knew my thoughts. "Então, nojento patife, já não lembras o teu próprio cheiro quando ficaste quase um mês sem te lavares? E, já agora, tens medo de imitar aqueles escassos exemplos que viste do uso dos signos de apertura da interrogação e da exclamação em português, ou não? Só não sei se te chamar de covarde ou de cobarde!".
Suddenly, I realized I'd lost track of when the words became more hurtful than the sting, and whatever unwholesome tool it was scribbling with. So I flailed and hit both hands against that tree, trying to get rid of that ghastly presence.
De que valem presentes,
Peru, vinho e leitão
Se um cunhado safado
Espanca seu irmão?
Ironically, it seemed Duke Nukem was right: if I was to move on at all, it wouldn't come to pass before Christmas. A faint laughter confirmed it wasn't over---and there was no fat lady to sing.
"Vi bezonus balen-oleon por kuraci vian vundon. Ironie, ĉu ne?". This time, I had to ask, "Kiu vi estas? Malkaŝiĝu tuj!". Too late did I realize there was but mine own image, and I did not like it.
"Pilgrimanto, dum via vojaĝo, vi eble veturos foren, ĉar estas longa vojo ekscii, kiu vi estas".
"Vi estas neniigenda".
The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.