I suppose I should have asked "what game would you recommend?" I could talk about this for hours.
I've played some of the R&C games before. They're fun, I really like the creativity the developers put into it. I really wish more games were like that. Everything is always about realism and copying CoD nowadays.
I would say MAG for a fun first person shooter game, but the servers have been so laggy this week it's almost unplayable. It's not the fun game it was before they started patching it. I can't recommend it anymore. I'm going to start calling it LAG. Still, there's no other experience like being part of a huge 256 player battle.
I also played Warhawk on the PS3. It's a very simple game, easy to learn, but nothing could get me more agitated than playing that. The learning curve is so steep it's unbelievable.
I guess the only PS3 game I can truly recommend is Gran Turismo 5. I can't say anything bad about it, other than it's poor crashes. If you hit a wall all that happens is you get a dent in your car, whereas in other games it gets torn to pieces.
Other than that, I'll probably be buying the new Twisted Metal, maybe Battlefield 3 (for the PC though
), and Starhawk (the sequel to Warhawk). The new Ace Combat game might be good too, but I have my doubts about it.
And then there's PC games. Oh man, this is going to be hard. I guess I'd recommend Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour as the best RTS game. It doesn't have the strategic depth of Supreme Commander, it doesn't have all the craziness of the other C&C games, but there's just something about it that makes it perfect in every other way. It's easy to learn, fun to play, and extremely challenging to play online. It's just very well polished and balanced.
I'm currently playing Black Prophecy now. It's a twitch based space combat MMO. It has a few flaws that I don't like, but it has the potential to be a really good game. It actually is a free to play game, so it's hard not to recommend it.
That's all that I can think of for now, but I'm sure there's more.
Remember, all atrocities begin in a sensible place.