Dilbert wrote:
Swimming in lakes with seaweed in the water. (Touching that stuff is creepy!)
Oooh, yeah, that's a bit spooky. What's even spookier is dark water with big looming logs in it.. (I'll try not to even touch the surface) or rivers where it's too deep to touch the bottom. D:
I thought I was just unnecessarily paranoid until I started watching all those specials on Animal Planet about giant river fish that eat cattle, sharks that swim thousands of miles upstream and get stuck in lakes, and 2-foot snapping turtles and 12-foot nocturnal sharks that they just found IN MY CITY, 10 feet from shore, that they never knew were there. *flail*
My other phobia: being microwaved. Not that it comes up often. But the idea really freaks me out. D:
"You gotta keep making decisions, even if they're wrong decisions, you know. If you don't make decisions, you're stuffed."
- Joe Simpson