I wouldn't call myself a Trekkie...
I have a certain nostalgia for the original show, with it's simple little morality tales. They really knew how to write stories like that back in the day...
I don't like TNG, because, to me, it seems they tried the same formula as the original (morality tales), but instead of being entertaining and thoughtful, it came off as pompous and preachy.
This is just my opinion folks, don't have a stroke.
The only other series that grabbed my attention was DS9. I think that show is brilliant. I love seeing the gritty, imperfect side of the supposedly morally impeccable Federation.
The Dominion War was great. I loved the idea that when push came to shove, the Federation woud resort to genocide in order to ensure it's own survival.
BUT, my favorite plot line would have to be about the Maquis. It was interesting to see that the Federation would sell out their own people for a convenient peace and that Federation citizens would resort to terrorism in order to get their way.... so much for the 'morally perfect federation.'
The show had so many great characters, by far the the most complex in any Star Trek series:
Captain Sisko--great leader, but NOT PERFECT, and sometimes motivated my base emotions such as the need for revenge (as when Eddington humiliates him).
Michael Eddington--cunning, ruthless, idealistic terrorist leader, and noble in his own way.
Elim Garak--ruthless, charming, he was a patriot and a pragmatist. Even though he cooperated with the Bajorians and the Federation, when he was stressed you could tell he still held deeply racist views against the Bajorians. He did not regret the Cardassian occupation of Bajor, he only regretted that is didn't turn out better for the Cardassians.
Yeah, so many fantastic stories and characters... DS9 was the most compelling series because it was the most complex and realistic, yet it still held on to the old Star Trek charm.
No man is free who is not master of himself.~Epictetus