How many of you here actually hate cigarettes?

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Do you hate cigarettes?
Yes 73%  73%  [ 64 ]
NO 27%  27%  [ 24 ]
Total votes : 88


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13 May 2010, 10:41 am

I used to smoke, but I gave up last October. My Nan, who is 83 and has survived two heart attacks, has a persistent cough which sounds horrible - I don't think I have any memories of her where she isn't smoking. She still continues to smoke now. I think she's been quite lucky, considering my great aunt (her sister) was also a smoker, and she died of lung cancer.

In my opinion, smoking is no different to playing Russian Roulette and, yes, I could be lucky like my Nan. But I gave up because I'd rather not take the risk.

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13 May 2010, 10:48 am

Epilefftic wrote:
My mother is incredibly sick, but still smokes. I can't stand that she does that to herself.
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13 May 2010, 10:51 am

They should be illegal.


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13 May 2010, 12:03 pm

Avarice wrote:
It amazes me how people smoke and smoke without even trying to stop. I suppose they're waiting until that diagnosis of cancer, or some horrific untreatable disease

Even then, a lot of people still can't give it up.

I've heard that tobacco is more addictive than heroin.

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13 May 2010, 2:58 pm

Cigarettes are toxic and I hate them. I will not be around a smoker.


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13 May 2010, 3:11 pm

I really hate cigarettes. I'll tolerate them from one or two people, but most others, no.

However, I like sitting in a room if people are doing watermelon hookah. That smells surprisingly good.


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13 May 2010, 5:11 pm

SabbraCadabra wrote:
Avarice wrote:
It amazes me how people smoke and smoke without even trying to stop. I suppose they're waiting until that diagnosis of cancer, or some horrific untreatable disease

Even then, a lot of people still can't give it up.

I've heard that tobacco is more addictive than heroin.

So have I. And they're much cheaper to buy and easier to find.


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13 May 2010, 5:14 pm

I used to smoke and then quit.. then picked it up a few weeks ago, it's a nasty habit, just waiting for exams to be over to drop it again. I do like the smell though.


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13 May 2010, 11:39 pm

I have bad sinus problems & being around smokers makes me fee nauseous. Lots of people in my area love to smoke thou

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14 May 2010, 5:29 am

I don't like the smell of them, and I don't like what they do to people (and the companies who endorse it). I've never smoked them myself, besides second-hand smoking (not on purpose, though). My grandma used to smoke a lot when I was a little kid, and she was the one that would babysit us a lot of the time. I almost fainted in the back of her car because the cigarette smoke was so bad. I also have a sensitive nose, which didn't help much. I still really don't like cigarette smoke to this day. Smoking in general, no matter what anyone smokes, is bad for anyone, and I feel sad seeing the horrific results from long term use. So, to put it short, I don't like cigarettes.

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14 May 2010, 10:53 am

I used to smoke, on and off. Then I got hypnotised, to quit, and now I can't stand them.
It's cool - and, yes, that was part of the hypnosis 8)

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23 May 2010, 12:55 pm

I can't even say how sad it makes me that my boyfriend smokes. At one point we talked about him quitting (I want him to be healthy, it would save a lot of money, and if we have children together I don't want them smelling like smoke or being around that kind of influence. Also I said he'd have to smoke outside; I'd not allow it in my house). And he said he was quitting, but was actually lying about it the entire time. He'd have continued but his friend slipped up (he had no idea). So that was a real knife-stab to me. So he says he doesn't think he'd be able to quit unless he was locked in a room for 10 years, and even then he'd rather be not-clean than crazy. Really breaks my heart.

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23 May 2010, 1:01 pm

Hate is such a strong word.

I don't smoke and I know cigarettes are bad for us, but I prefer to hate people, not objects! :wink:

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23 May 2010, 1:02 pm

Yes, they cause cancer and smell like poo.


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23 May 2010, 4:55 pm

I had to watch my grandfather effectively rot from the inside out thanks to cigarettes, so I'm not exactly their biggest fan.

Besides that, they smell really unpleasant and even small amounts of second-hand smoke make me wheezy to the point of needing a hit from my inhaler. The fact that the stink of them gets into your hair and clothes - even if you're not the one who's actively puffing away on them - really irritates me as well.

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23 May 2010, 5:57 pm

IDK. I'll never use them, but I'm not sure whether I hate them or not.

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