Todesking wrote:
I probably got you guys all beat for most embarrasing moment. LoL, I had to urinate really bad all of a sudden. (I take water pills) so I ran to the bathroom at the place I was. I ran around this wall that had the urinals on the otherside and I ran right into a guy who was standing at the urinal I always use. I was looking down undoing my fly when I ran into him. He was a little guy and I am a huge guy I squashed him into the urinal. He screamed and I almost wet myself

I had to run to the stall and went there I kept yelling I'm sorry I heard him laughing when he was washing his hands.

OMFG LOL. It's not raep, it's surprise buttsecks! For both of us! xD
Wow man, that must have been crazy. I am sorry. And yeah, I think you beat us all.
Semi-colons are awesome; you are awesome if you use them.
I enjoy random PMs. ^.^