Jellybean wrote:
An MRI, which stands for Magnetic Resonance Imagiary (I think...) is a scan that you might have. It is often used to diagnose or rule out epilepsy, MS (and other similar diseases) brain damage or brain tumours. I personally have had three of these and didn't mind them that much, although I can't say I enjoyed it. It is a large cylindrical chamber with a board on the bottom. You lie on the board and it takes you in to the tube. If it is only your brain which is being scanned you don't go in too far. Full body scans require the whole length of your body to go in. I haven't had that at all. It is very noisy, the board is uncomfortable and it is claustraphobic in there so some people don't cope with it at all and might even need sedation to get through it as you have to lie incredibally still.
Yeah, I've had quite a few done, to look at my heart (it's an interesting heart, apparently, but since it works I've got little cause for complaint
), my most recent one was very exciting because they could do it without IV contrast, no plastic spike in the hand and burning dye in the veins
but in terms of advice for "the younger generation"?
Things can seem serious and big right now, but generally, probably, they're going to be at least mostly okay. Yeah, that's it: generally, it's going to be okay.
I'd have saved a lot of emotional problems had I known that a long time ago
We do not experience fear, but we understand how it affects you-Legion