Creature wrote:
I'm a vegetarian, because I feel the way animals in bio industry are treated is so awful that I don't know the word for it.
I do. The word for it is either Horrific or Hellish. Or both if you would prefer. But yes, I do agree with your overall sentiment.
Valoyossa wrote:
I hate when people ask: Do you miss meat? Hell no! No way!
Or: Do you prepare your meals to make them tasting like meat? It would be pointless! I can't stand this smell and taste! Bleeeeeeeeee!
Ditto to that.
The funny and ironic thing about this, though, is that humans can't actually taste meat. Unlike carnivores like cats, humans don't have amino-acid taste buds with which to taste meat with. Mostly what we are tasting is the salt, and any other additives (artifical ones mostly) that are put in, in order to make it palatable. Remove all of that and meat would taste rather gross.
That said, I don't miss meat in the least.
AppleCat wrote:
She thinks that, if I become a vegan, I might make myself ill. Though I appreciate her concern, I have seriously thought it through, and I will continue to try to talk her round.
You might want to have her read the
China Study, which pretty much proves conclusively that animal products are responsible for most of the food-related illnesses and health problems.
The other study you might want to refer to your parents to is the famous "Milk Letter" by Dr. Kradjian:
That one lays the case that milk consumption leads to all sorts of calamities and health issues, and debunks the idea that it is a healthy source of calcium and protien.
"Live long and prosper"