Friskeygirl wrote:
Fatty and starchy foods are cheaper, look at the fat people in a Walmart and see what they are loading up in there shopping carts. its no big mystery
Well said.
Weight management is almost entirely due to the quantity AND the quality of food intake.
You can do the math quite easily.
There are around 7,700 'calories' per kg of fat or (for Americans) 3500 'calories' per pound of fat.
Going flat out on a cross trainer or a rowing machine for an HOUR will burn at MOST 1,000 calories.
A 90kg person (barely over average in the US) running 10km would burn just 800 calories.
This means that person would have to run 90km to lose 1kg of fat (if they don't change what and how much they send down their throat)
Whatever you EAT today you WEAR tomorrow
Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you? Multiple Miggs in the next cell. He hissed at you. What did he say?