j0sh wrote:
I have Chinese text saying "brotherhood" down the back of my right arm. My ex best friend has an identical one drawn from the same print. We got them before he went for his second tour in Iraq.
I'm considering having it removed. My friend made new friends in the army; lives with one of them in another state now that he's out; and hasn't given me his new contact info or called. I don't know if it was something I did, or if I just wasn't cool enough for his new friends to know about me. Having this on my arm is a pretty sucky reminder of someone I considered a brother that is now either ashamed of or no longer likes me.
And the moral of the story (one I heard before getting mine)... DON'T GET MATCHING TATTOOS!
hahaha! yes, my husband got matching tattoos with his 2 friends, and 20 years later they hardly speak anymore. plus, his friends got them on their wrists so that they always have to wear long-sleeved shirts in professional environments. husband got his on his shoulder, but he is totally not proud of it!