I like clothing because it keeps me warm. I have a blanky with me all the time in the house, but I still prefer to wear some clothing. I like clothing otherwise for the artistic look, and will look at pretty dresses all day long, though not wear, because I feel uncomfortable being naked of any kind in public places or around others. I used to wear a jacket every day to school whether it was hot or not. It was a zelda hoodie, then a nice soft jacket. It was because I couldn't bring my blanky to school... Nor would I want to bring my blanky to a dirty place like that!
I'm all for being natural however, cause most of the clothing now days is made from cheap, itchy materials, and if you want to get something good, it'll cost you a whole paycheck for just one outfit. I do however, hate shoes. I have flat feet, even broke my right foot, so I suffer from pain in being in any kind of shoes. Especially flip flops or sandals. So I would rather walk on rocks than to wear shoes... Unless it's hot out.
--- ?Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. ~ Dr. Seuss ---