Janissy wrote:
"row, row,row your boat
gently down the stream
life is but a dream"
Like all Western children, I learned this song sometime in toddlerhood. I always thought it was such an incredible song. It attached itself to me when I was a little kid and I thought itwas more important somehow than any of the other songs I learned like Eensy,Weensy Spider or Jack and Jill.
It always stuck to me through childhood. I knew it was somehow more than all the other little kid songs but I didn't have the vocabulary or experience to know why.
In highschool I learned about the maya/illusion concept and suddenly understood that that's what "life is but a dream" was trying to tell me. In college I learned about meditation and mindfulness and finding the joy through that and suddenly understood that's what "row,row,row tour boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily, merrily" was trying to tell me.
I hope this song never leaves the children's song canon.
Great post Janissy, love it. Yes indeed. Has a Taoist 'go with the flow' sense to me. Don't take life so seriously.
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