I have bands in Guitar Hero 5 and Rock Bands 2 and 3 (got RB1 and RB2 at the same time so we could combine the content). I've got four separate Commanders Shepard waiting for the release of Mass Effect 3 this November. I have several characters in WoW (which I haven't played in a while, because now I'm waiting until I can afford both a game-time card and Cataclysm), and four in the free-to-play Champions Online (Meteor, Wetware, HandyMan, and Flamewing). I've lost track of the number of times I've completed the Halo Trilogy, ODST, and Reach. (I don't play online much, because I don't like the behavior of a lot of the other players.) I'm working on my second complete playthrough of Need For Speed: Most Wanted. One of my interests is last-generation game consoles; I have an XBox, a GameCube, and a PS2, and games for all of them - and yes, from time to time I even get to play them (currently working on playing through Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on my PS2 - recently managed to complete the mall missions, so now I can buy more properties. When I say I own this town, I want to mean it!).
I'm also 47 years old, reasonably healthy, helping to raise two wonderful children. Call me a loser if you like - I'll just smile and boot up my 360 while you take your blood-pressure medications to deal with your stress. 
Sodium is a metal that reacts explosively when exposed to water. Chlorine is a gas that'll kill you dead in moments. Together they make my fries taste good.