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29 Mar 2011, 5:30 pm

I have bands in Guitar Hero 5 and Rock Bands 2 and 3 (got RB1 and RB2 at the same time so we could combine the content). I've got four separate Commanders Shepard waiting for the release of Mass Effect 3 this November. I have several characters in WoW (which I haven't played in a while, because now I'm waiting until I can afford both a game-time card and Cataclysm), and four in the free-to-play Champions Online (Meteor, Wetware, HandyMan, and Flamewing). I've lost track of the number of times I've completed the Halo Trilogy, ODST, and Reach. (I don't play online much, because I don't like the behavior of a lot of the other players.) I'm working on my second complete playthrough of Need For Speed: Most Wanted. One of my interests is last-generation game consoles; I have an XBox, a GameCube, and a PS2, and games for all of them - and yes, from time to time I even get to play them (currently working on playing through Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on my PS2 - recently managed to complete the mall missions, so now I can buy more properties. When I say I own this town, I want to mean it!).

I'm also 47 years old, reasonably healthy, helping to raise two wonderful children. Call me a loser if you like - I'll just smile and boot up my 360 while you take your blood-pressure medications to deal with your stress. :)

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29 Mar 2011, 10:33 pm

Tell your sister she is the one who need to grow up. Everyone have the right to choose their hobby and she is in no position to judge or criticize. What's her hobby? Tell her that it's childish and laughable too.

Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Mar 2011, 5:36 am

Too old for videogames? Pfft. :roll: Well, according to the Entertainment Software Association factsheet; in the US, as of 2008, the average age of a videogame player is 35 and 26% of all gamers are over 50.

So yeah. :wink:


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30 Mar 2011, 6:03 am

I still play them, although less than I used to (20 - 40 hours a week). I'm looking forward to Skyrim :)

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30 Mar 2011, 6:33 am

Nobody is too old for video games, unless they're extremely old and have medical conditions like heart problems...

The idea of video games are not for grown up people is baffling to me. I think people who have this thought are the ones who don't play them, or have grown out of them so they defend their decision with "Well I'm an adult" or "I grew up". They have not experienced that sort of hobby to the point many of us gamers have.

I think now is a great time to be older and into video games, computer games, and those alike. The games these days are far more interactive, full of depth than a decade ago, and there are even ones that involve online multi-player communication which can attract people who are not prone to playing games to actually play them. This is partly due to the fact that it involves other people communicating with one another, and doing things together.

To keep it simple.. Buy your friend a game if he likes to play them. Your sister probably means well but what she is saying only applies to certain people.


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30 Mar 2011, 11:26 am

Dokapan Kingdom, best casual video-game ever; but I can never get people to play it as their first game. :/


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30 Mar 2011, 11:47 am

CloudWalker wrote:
Tell your sister she is the one who need to grow up. Everyone have the right to choose their hobby and she is in no position to judge or criticize. What's her hobby? Tell her that it's childish and laughable too.

LOL! She has OCD to an extent (From what I've seen not cleaning freak.) but for example she has a photo album of coupons organized by store and what's on sale for that week. It's INSANE plus she has those recycle bags 5+ she takes to the store all the time! Sure she saves over half of what she spent YA! but IMO it looks silly carrying a photo album of coupons around. Good point though.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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30 Mar 2011, 11:54 am

i dont understand the age idea for video games why would they be for children only why is it more socialy acceptable to go and get drunk every night and make yourself look like an idiot jackass etc than to sit at home and play a game that is allowing you to learn practice strategies /team building(for MMO games) etc i honestly dont understand and i consider my self much more mature than those who purposely go out to make themselves look like fools usaly just to get laid
or go and put themselves in debt by gambling or go shopping for useless things they dont need because its more socially acceptable

im 20 and i dont plan to stop playing board/card/video games anytime soon just to be part of the social "norm"


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30 Mar 2011, 2:40 pm

Too old for video games? Nah. NO ONE is too old.

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30 Mar 2011, 8:32 pm

killernat wrote:
i dont understand the age idea for video games why would they be for children only why is it more socialy acceptable to go and get drunk every night and make yourself look like an idiot jackass etc than to sit at home and play a game that is allowing you to learn practice strategies /team building(for MMO games) etc i honestly dont understand and i consider my self much more mature than those who purposely go out to make themselves look like fools usaly just to get laid
or go and put themselves in debt by gambling or go shopping for useless things they dont need because its more socially acceptable

im 20 and i dont plan to stop playing board/card/video games anytime soon just to be part of the social "norm"

Amen to that!! !! !! ! I couldn't agree more!! !